not really cafe per-se - but WAY vintage

Oz Customs

New Member
just finished the final tune on this 1918 F-head - new video editing software too, so HAD to make a video:

Kinda going to be half street-bike, half board-tracker "hybrid" - fabricating the majority of the frame; with a harley-hummer rubber-sprung girder front-end and using a "spare" three-speed trans left from the 1926 Peashooter project - not going to be historically accurate - but certainly one-of-kind...I'll be posting updates when they happen, but it is a slow moving project - about #4 on the proverbial burners.
boomshakalaka said:
external pushrods always looked so cool to me, they have a real steampunk feel to them.
It reminds me of an old hit n miss. I really like the sound. Cool stuff.
bike should be very cool.
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