O-ring size of cb550 engine side cap?


New Member
I have an oil leak coming from my bike's right side engine cap. Have to replace the o-ring. Does anybody know the size of those o-rings/if they are round or flat o-rings? Thanks
Go here: http://www.houseofhondaparts.com/fiche_section_detail.asp

If the year and model are wrong, just start over.

Find the picture and number of the item. In the Honda Parts number listing will be a number in parenthesis. Like (60x3) That is the MM diameter, and thickness of the o-ring..

You can either order from them if they have it, or try a local supplier. Make sure you get an o-ring that is compatible in temperature and oil for it. O-Ring are made of different material and some are less suited for high temps or oil/gas contact.

If you still arent sure, at least post the link and item number, and we can help you.
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