Oil Leak where Tach Cable enters Engine (CB400T)

Hi'ya Folks.

My 78 CB400Tii 'Hawk' decided it wanted to try it's hand at shining my boots. however, it figured covering it in oil from where the tach cable enters the engine would be a good place to start........ I politely explained to her it wasn't necessary. Which brings me to my questions: Is there a Washer or O-Ring where the Tach plugs down into the right side engine cover that might have failed on me? I didn't notice one in there when I installed the tach cable.

Is this familiar to anyone? I would love to get the old girl back on the road.

Thanks so much.

Then again, if I look just a little bit harder, I might be able to find my answer with the search function.... Hmmm. Novel Idea, Eh?


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