Ok folks - a number asked for a chatroom, so I put one in!


Staff member
Now you have to give it a try and let me know what you think. If you click on the link just below the banner it will open a new window. If you click on the CHAT! button it will redirect your current browser to the chatroom.

The engine is Flash based and should work on pretty much any computer.
Took me 20 minutes and $5 for the software - don't give me too much credit ;) Just took a bit of time to find the right software.
I bitched, and someone did something! That's a first!
I do that at work, and everyone blows me off!!! :mad:
Thanks TinTin!!!! ;D
You da man! 8)
yeah its a nice resource. had a few issues though. if i went to another browser window, i couldnt type when i opened the chat window again. had to close it and click the link again, but its great when its working. thank you
Hmmm... well, I'm still playing with it and will try to make things work a little better.
I added a line to the top of the board showing who is currently in chat. Info is also right at the bottom of the main page as well.
Great work Tintin.
cool, your so clever..... all i can do is just about type.....wow
I think the trick is to hit the little X in the upper right corner of the chat window (not the Windows red X - there's one in the chat software).

I noticed it makes it look like people are still logged in, at least for a while.
Sweet. I think the chatroom is gonna be great...

What about some scheduled chats? I keep going in there just to miss someone.

How about people throw out some ideas for topics... or something. Maybe make it a little less random?


- Woody
OLDS FARTS that's just about all of us.

love it tin tin saw you are down to 1 room. I think that works well. can you make smiles how about a little cafe bike smile?
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