One ashy plug, one wet plug after 5 minutes @ idle. Carb Sync solve my problems?

Fear My Twin

Chicks hate my bike.
The ashy plugs cylinder is super hot while the wet plugs cylinder is warm. Also, after putting the factory air boxes on she refuses to idle unless I take off the airbox covers and let them breathe.

Im thinking a good carb sync should solve my problems. Sound about right? Anyone know the proper way to go about a sync on a twin cb500t?

Thanks guys!

Looks clean to me. Am I missing something? Yes, I checked the floats for leaks.

Have you taken the jets out to ensure they, and passages, to ensure they are all clean and not clogged? Another important thing is ensuring both the float heights are correct.

I'm not familiar with the carbs on the that bike, but usually you'll need to start with a bench sync first. This will ensure the slides are in the middle of the range of adjustment of the idle screw. Once this is set, you'll need to use a manometer to do an actual running synchronization. The way this is done will probably be determined by the actual type of carb. Do you have a manual for your bike? It should describe this process. It should be pretty straightforward for a twin, compared to a four cylinder. I made my own manometer and it works pretty good.
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