paint help!!


New Member
so i think i have decided on black (i know, very original ::)). i've done a little painting before but nothing of this scale. any advice or tips would be much appreciated!! also, i plan on painting my poop brown seat black with some sort of vinyl paint. any advice there, too, would be appreciated!!

How are you equipped for painting? Regardless of which method you use, surface prep will be the most important part of the paint job.
cbcafe said:
How are you equipped for painting? Regardless of which method you use, surface prep will be the most important part of the paint job.
x2 i have seen nice work with low end paint and i have seen crap jobs with "the good stuff" its all about the time you put into the prep. good luck.
i'll definately be working with 'low end stuff.' don't have the money to buy good equipment. does anyone know what kind of $$ i'd be looking at to take my tank and side covers somewhere and have them done? i don't really NEED a professional paint job but i'm worried it'll look like garbage if i do it myself :eek:
That again will vary depending on the amount of surface prep th pro has to do, the materials he uses and how complex your paint scheme is. The price of epoxy primers and base clear systems have doubled in the last year or so, sometimes resulting in little savings doing it yourself versus getting someone to do it who can mix small amounts of paint to spray. If you don,t have the spray equipment and a place to safely do the work, spray bombs are probably your only option. That is not the end of the world. I have seen some fine spray bomb specials usually due to the person's willingness to put in some elbow grease. The bottom line is do what you can for now and get that bike on the road and enjoy. When you scare up enough dough, you can always blow it apart and get it redone.
I've used both Dupli-Color and VHT Vinyl Dye on several different items, everything from motorcycle seats to automotive carpets (which are usually made from a synthetic material) to CRT monitors and plastic computer cases. Vinyl dye is good stuff; just make sure your seat / saddle is clean and dry, and apply several light coats of dye. The dye tends to be "thin", so it will run MUCH easier than regular paint; spray light coats, let them dry (20 -30 minutes) and spray again. Don't worry if the coverage is spotty at first, you can correct that as you add more coats.

Vinyl dye is much more flexible than paint, so it won't tend to crack or chip the way paint does,

As for painting the tank and side panels, start with a side panel and learn as you go along. Better yet, get some old sidepanels from a boneyard, and use those as your guinea pigs, Once you're satisfied with your work, paint your "good" side panels. The more experience you gain, the better prepared you will be when the time comes to paint the gas tank.

Good luck with this; getting started is the hardest part. Start small and simple, and work your way up. Do NOT try to do everything at once, or you might get so discouraged that you end up quitting.

Q. How do you eat an elephant?

A. One bite at a time.

Keep that in mind, and let it guide you...
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