Part Identification


New Member
Im putting back together my linkage assembly for my carbs on my cb550F super sport and there are two teflon washers. I cant for the life of me figure out where they go looking at many pictures and diagrams. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Im assuming they are for the linkage assembly because that is what zip lock baggy i labels them in, but they could be part of the carbs too but they all seem to be put back together perfect.


I didnt think so…I put everything back together without them for now and it all moves free…im going to just keep them in a baggy and hold on to them for the time being…
Hard to tell without something to compare the size but I would agree with GK. They look like the cap washers for the felt spacers in the brake assemblies.
Are they the right size for the twist throttle?
Some had similar washers between the twist grip and the switch/throttle cable housing so that the rubber grip didn't affect the twist by binding on the switch housing.
If you go to an online parts fiche site like or, you may be able to see the parts breakdown in enough detail to find what's what.

You can download the full CB550 Service and Parts manuals here:
Just scanned through and it looks like all the washers on the carbs are listed as an 'assembly'. I'd imagine they go on either side of linkage around the throttle cable or choke mechanism given there are only 2 of them.

They're certainly not an internal part to the carb itself. Put them where they make sense if nothing else.
I guess my description was bad, the diagrams all show them as assemblies. I think they go on the shaft there the throttle cables go where the linkage spring is.
yep thats what I thought, it will either be the seat for or the cover washer for the felt washers
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