Plastic tank inside a dummy tank?


Coast to Coast
So I'm thinking of fabbing my own tank and I thought it might be easier to do a metal shell with a plastic tank inside. Any ideas? Problems etc....?
Ethanol said:
So I'm thinking of fabbing my own tank and I thought it might be easier to do a metal shell with a plastic tank inside. Any ideas? Problems etc....?

might could use a bladder fuel cell and it wouldnt limit you as much on the shape of the design
Saki said:
might could use a bladder fuel cell and it wouldnt limit you as much on the shape of the design

where are those?! might be an option rather than lining a fiberglass tank...
Rocan said:
too pricy and fake for my tastes... guess im back to the hard way xD

I hear you man. Plus then you got to worry about a gas cap and a petcock. The plastic tank idea sounds pretty good still.
Either search for it on here or PM Curbcast - he won a SWEET tank on eBay before. Same thing though, internal fuel cell with a plastic cover.
Instead of having a plastic inner tank and metal shell you can fabricate a metal tank and seal it with a tank sealer. Designing and fabricating a tank is a lot of fun (do as much reseach as you can and have fun building it).
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