pocket bike


Active Member
i got myself a 110cc super pocket out of a field, got it running, and have decided to start rebuilding it (including making or repairing the fairings and tank cover that are still on it) and making it a cool little pit bike. any ideas?
racing pocket bikes is fun as heck.... i say get a lifan motor and put it in that sucker... or better yet get a motor off a smaller honda CB...

a cb200 pocket bike would be the SHIT.
I had some friends in college that had one with a 90cc 2 smoke retrofitted into it, really fun little toy. I think I still have a few scars from it! When you got her running at the right RPM and around 20mph you could punch into the powerband and walk the front for as long as you could hold it. The trick was holding your weight out over the front of the bike once you got it on the back tire. Once your ab muscles started hurting from the strain you better sit her down or she would put a whipping on you!

I think you should loose the body work and try to replicate a cafe look, I have never seen a pocket cafe!

tWistedWheelz said:
I had some friends in college that had one with a 90cc 2 smoke retrofitted into it, really fun little toy. I think I still have a few scars from it! When you got her running at the right RPM and around 20mph you could punch into the powerband and walk the front for as long as you could hold it. The trick was holding your weight out over the front of the bike once you got it on the back tire. Once your ab muscles started hurting from the strain you better sit her down or she would put a whipping on you!

I think you should loose the body work and try to replicate a cafe look, I have never seen a pocket cafe!


that's a great ideal I've seen cafe mopeds, cafe pocketbike is the next step down!
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