Popping on right side. 70 cb450


Been Around the Block
This has been a pretty intermittent issue for a while now, but my cb450 seems to start running strangely every once in a while and begins to pop (not backfire, more like a loud POOF) on the right side. Yesterday I changed the plugs and checked the floats (left plug grey, right plug black, floats not stuck in any way) to no avail. Last time it happened, the bike lost a considerable amount of power (like couldn't go faster than 10mph), this time it was only slightly less powerful, but didn't idle well. Any ideas on what could do this? Only mod to bike is universal foam filters (longer than the pods for this bike) and they have been fine on the bike for quite some time. Mechanic couldn't find anythin wrong the first time I took it in for this.

Thanks ahead of time for any ideas.
I had that happen too when I first got mine running. I don't know what fixed it. I synced the carbs, set timing with a light, adjusted valves and set floats. Ran much better and no popping. If nobody comes up with anything good here, try hondatwins.net

I got some new carb boots that I am going to put pressure taps into so I can sync/balance them correctly. I'll post up a pictorial play-by-play after I do it. Gotta find the fittings first.
So this resolved itself without any work from me once again. Anyone know what would make something like this happen then resolve itself on its own? Just the norm for really old bikes?
Disliked23 said:
So this resolved itself without any work from me once again. Anyone know what would make something like this happen then resolve itself on its own? Just the norm for really old bikes?

i've found that for me when stuff is intermittent like that its usually spark. like a bad coil, leaky plug wires, etc.
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