Possible resource for bike manuals FREE SHIPPING


Hey guys
I just wanted to share some info on a great book site I found a while back. Now, just so everyone knows I DON"T BENEFIT FROM YOU GOING TO THIS WEBSITE. I'm just doing this as a foavour for anyone that can read!
For the hell of it I'm including a link to motorcycle stuff to keep in line with the forums I'm posting on, http://www.bookdepository.com/category/2971?category=2971&searchSortBy=pubdate_low_high&availability=1
but if you go to the home page there is tons of different books to look at. The best part is, a lot of the books are deeply discounted and best of all, FREE SHIPPING. I don't know how they do it and there is no catch. I've been buying from them for nearly a year now and have never had a problem.
So, if you like to read, want to save some money and have your books dropped off in the mail, give them a try.
That's it, it's up to you if you want to take advantage and save some cash.

Cheers, Graham
Graham Charnock
VRRA #999
RACE #666
I'm the guy you (USED) to look over your shoulder at as you pass me down the long straights.
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