Pulp, or no pulp


Active Member
Ok................. if anything goes!!

The question of the day is.......

Pulp, or no pulp? For me the more pulp the better. I can't get enough of that stuff.
So much pulp you can eat it with a fork!!! I always end up getting the uber pulp OJ cuz nobody buys it and it goes on quick sale to get rid of it. Call me cheap, but I call it thrifty..... or Dutch. ;D
Wow...its really the duldrums of winter now isnt it? ;D

No pulp for me please, i dont like having to pick it from my teeth.
Like I said.....
I like this site.....

Oh, and some pulp...... Too much pulp and it's like eatin peaches from a russian chick!

Maybe you guys should have started a poll!

Applesauce IS pulp.

With and without the vodka (time of day issue...or was that time of night?).

Direct from Carton (unless vodka involved).

Chugged only fom carton, never from donor (of any kind).
Or a 'Pulp on the Pole' poll.

I'm definitely for pulp in general.

A VERY solid 51%
bluemetaldog said:
omg, don't you guys wrench in the off-season??

There is no off season in Seattle. Rain, sleet, snow, sun, cold, hot. Riding in Seattle is like the United States Postal Service...... it never stops. So, with that said I wrench all year long, and I get stir crazy from smelling gas, oil, solvents, cleaning agents, etc, etc. Then..... in my haze of dizziness and nausea I come up with crazy ideas like this post. ;D
clt750 said:
There is no off season in Seattle. Rain, sleet, snow, sun, cold, hot. Riding in Seattle is like the United States Postal Service...... it never stops. So, with that said I wrench all year long, and I get stir crazy from smelling gas, oil, solvents, cleaning agents, etc, etc. Then..... in my haze of dizziness and nausea I come up with crazy ideas like this post. ;D

ok .. ya .. he's one of us
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