Question about media blasting


Been Around the Block
I want to get the brushed aluminum look for my engine side covers and other parts so I was wondering what type or size of blasting media would give me this look? I've tried the sanding and even used a fine birstle brass brush on a grinder/polisher but it's still not quite there. I'll probably go the Harbor Freight and get a small blasting gun and some media and try that, but I really don't know what kind to get, Aluminum Oxide, walnut shells, glass beads???? Any info would be appreciated or even links to help me find the info I need. Thanks.

J'ville, Fl.
I actually use cheapo palm sanders, start with a dressing wheel to get the clearcoat off, then wd-40 the metal, and hit it with 400 grit on a palm sander, then 1000 grit, it looks really nice, I think its what you're going for-also, sandblasting will leave little craters which is a mad bitch to keep clean, i blasted a valve cover on a bike a while back and even though it was a super fine grit, you could swear it caught every bug, booger and drop of oil on the road
Sounds good, I'll give it a go! But do you use a random orbit or just a plain 1/4 sheet vibrator sander?? Oh Christ!! that's such a loaded question, I guess I better get ready for the barrage of come backs ;D thanks, Terry in J'ville, Fl
just a plain ol' sander, once you get to 1000 grit, you can't see any swirls or anything, just make sure you don't get any grit on the paper, keep everything clean otherwise you'll get scratches
boy terry, you sure know your vibrating tools! ;) (i didn't want to disappoint regarding the barrage of comebacks, haha)
you call that a barrage!!!!!! C'mon guys you can do better than that, I double dog dare ya!!! I am a ardent fan of creative profanity!! Plus i've been drinking since 7pm and it just might be the Bushmill's talking.

J'ville, Fl.
yeah you're right, guess i disappointed anyway! ;D

damn dude, share the whiskey! i've been sitting at my desk at work now for 14 hrs and i could totally use an irish whiskey or a scotch...
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