Questions on raising the rear of my Honda CM200T


Active Member
I can't seem to find much info on the CM200T. Has anybody raised one of those bikes before? I'm wondering how much I can safely raise the rear and the cheapest route to take (stock parts from other bikes or new shocks for a good price)? I'd also like tips on what to look out for (mounting, swingarm and the chain)? Thanks
the higher you raise the rear the more chain slack you will have at full droop this is a given and can lead to problems like the chain slapping the top of the swinger on trailing throttle
a tidy solution for that is a precisely located stationary roller under the bottom chain run
as far as it rubbbing on top, yeah go to far and that is an issue as well,rubbbing even under power
what will you be doing to raise the front as well?
why are you wanting to raise the rear ? has your girl got real long legs? maybe you should just get her a big girls bike instead of a little girls bike
I want to raise the rear for clearance. I've welded on a seat hoop and integrated a tail light into that hoop and the tire looks awfully close. It looks like it might hit when compressed fully. I'm just looking for .5" to 1"
I'd pop one of the shocks off and measure the eye-eye length. Replace both sides with something that's about the same spring rate and length and call it a day. Raising it only 1/2" - 1" shouldn't cause too many issues.
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