Re-jetting factory carbs


Active Member
I've recently replaced my stock air box with two cone air filters. I know that now I need to jet the carbs to adjust for the better air flow....problem is, I don't know how. Do they make a jet kit for an 81 honda cm400e? Or, can anyone tell me how? Thanks a lot
yes you sure will

try 125 mains # 75 intermnediates
try 130 mains and 78 intermediates with a 2 into 1 with pods.

its trial and error butI am pretty sure you will be in the right ball park, I have done this at least 20 times on bikes owned.

check our for there CB900F jet kit ( the one with #75's included) it has 3 sizes of mains and 1 intermediate. Great to have on hand and they'll adjust sizes if they stock them.
if you ask they will cut you a break on price too, their prcing went through the roof this spring, just say the dealer offers the jets a bit cheaper then them or something like that.

the honda 350 twins rarely ever need rejetting just from pod filters. I know I know, that statement goes against everything you've heard and probably will hear but it's true. same with the cb450's

assuming you're not at an extreme altitude the 350's run rich with the factory jetting. So increasing air flow will be a good thing and if you read your plugs you'll be able to tell if your leaning out or not.
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