Redlight King - Old Man: Hipster Overload


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Let's go down the checklist:

flannel – check
horn-rimmed glasses – check
skinny jeans – check
tattoos – check
facial piercings – check
Nightster – check
skateboards – check
Neil Young – check
angst – check
3/4 lids – check

It's a veritable perfect storm of hipsterism, with liberal splashes of Harley's current marketing strategy.

Redlight King - Old Man

Obviously influenced by this:

Harley Davidson 883 iron commercial
Black Label Collection

One of my favorites... Hahaha.

They all look so cool and hip! HDs arent for old dudes anymore! And all you need is a $10,000 bike, and $2000 in HD clothes and youre the coolest fucker in town!
Speaking of hipster D-bags by the way, I had posted some pics of my old helmet that Pawn painted up for me on FaceBook and I got a PM from a dude who I dont know asking about it. He offered me a stupid sum of money for it. I told him it wasnt for sale, but being nosy, I asked what he rode. Long story short, hes a 19 year old dude, in an emo band, that rides an '08 883 sporty (thats "totally chopped out dude"), and really wanted the helmet because "it would look totally rad, and the dudes I ride with would be super jealous". He looks exactly like the dudes in those vids, but according to his other pics was a CBR riding, tank top wearing guido as of this time last year. Good shit.
hahaha. well i have to admit its all pretty lame, and its sad that skateboarding has to be tied in with the ghey, but it all makes perfect sense..
buuuut, you cant blame harley for making ads like this, wannabe emo-rappers stealing the idea, and all the hipsters jumping on the wagon.. harley is trying to sell more shit, the wannabe emo-rapper is trying to sell a million albums, and the hipsters have already sold their souls to abercrombie and god knows who else.. theyre all perfect for eachother.
the part that gets sad is yamaha and honda making "choppers" to keep up with these fucks. but of course its all business strategy.. you always have to keep up with the trends. sadly enough the fucking hipsters are actually getting more accomplished with their following of trends and "bringing back old shit" than any number of kids dedicated to old school cafes..
at least i suppose you can take solace in the fact that youre actually building your own shit, and there certainly doesnt seem to be a "brand new! super retro! cb750 cafe style!!" on the horizon..
slinds9 said:
at least i suppose you can take solace in the fact that youre actually building your own shit, and there certainly doesnt seem to be a "brand new! super retro! cb750 cafe style!!" on the horizon..

Dont be so sure of that... It was just a concept a few years ago, but if the popularity of vintage racers keeps growing, it may find its way to the streets.

Ducati already has made a modern cafe racer. I think it's ugly. LOL The vintage bikes are much better suited.
Well, at least they're not pushing biker gang culture, like they do with the RUBs. I truly, truly hate that shit! I'll take hipsterism over thug life any day...
Ok, so I was in my cage when this happened, could have been more fun if I was on the bike. But...
Driving back from my girl friend's place I see the dirtiest hipster ever! Complete with bad mustache, loafers without socks, rolled up skinny jeans, flannel lumber jack shirt and hornrimed glasses probably without lenses. He was riding a fixed gear bike down a road where the limit is 70km/h putting pace on the busses and cars! I wanted to run him over...
biker_reject said:
Well, at least they're not pushing biker gang culture, like they do with the RUBs. I truly, truly hate that shit! I'll take hipsterism over thug life any day...
Yup, in a couple of years the hipsters will move on to the next big thing.
Everyone is worried about hipsters?? We should be talking about how that asshole date-raped a Neil Young song for fun and profit. Fuck that guy.
Hipsters won't get far into vintage bikes. All the guys I know want one but none of them have a clue how to turn a wrench nor have the desire to learn.
eyeheartwhiskey said:
Everyone is worried about hipsters?? We should be talking about how that asshole date-raped a Neil Young song for fun and profit. Fuck that guy.

True dat! I was offended...
Pop culture really latched onto motorcycles starting in the eighties, it fucking exploded. Yes there were hundreds of thousands of Jap bikes pumped out in the sixties and seventies, the Japs made motorcycles into mass-produced appliances.

This bred a new rider, one who did not have to have a lot of mechanical know-how to ride a bike, the Jap bikes, especially the Hondas, ran forever and needed very little work and money to keep them going. Riders no longer had to have any intimate knowledge of their bike to use it daily, and that meant they did not have the same connection to their bike or motorcycling as the owner of an old Brit, Euro or American bike who was constantly fiddling with the ignition, electrics, carbs and valves, filters and fastners just so it would be half-way reliable.

Pop culture used the shit out of motorcycles long before the Evolution Harley big twins and sportsters came out in the mid-eighties, but once Harleys were turned into appliances with the full support of the new Corporate Motor Company, then every douchebag that ever saw Easyriders and had a credit card equipped himself with a Sporty or Lowrider and a compliment of Harley Corporate clothing.

Most I know who got into vintage, american or Brit/Euro bikes after the early eighties are in it for no good reason, they have no contemporary connection with the machinery and are not riding for the reasons most were in the fifties, sixties and seventies.

I don't go to bike shows, bike meets, bike nights or bike anything unless I need something to help me puke out a bad meal, and that would be the throngs and masses of idiot hipster/young cunts posing on two wheels and a motor.

My biking friends and family that are around fifty and up I can stand to hang out with. One good friend of mine has a Harley he bought new in 67' and he still rides it. He won't go within a mile of any bike night or neo-Harley gathering. He agrees that today's motorcycle scene is 99.99% about ego and is sickened by it.

Yea, there were assholes on two wheels thirty to sixty years ago too, and if they are still on two wheels after all these years then they are the only old timers you will see hanging out with hipsters.

Someone asks me "Hey did you see the new Norton, or the new Indian or the new whattsit?" No fucking way, it is all a shit scene and I have not bought a contemporary bike mag for fifteen years.

I am sure there are a few good young people out there into biking for a real reason, but I am not looking for them, it is like finding four-leaf clover, it has to happen by chance because you will never find it if you are looking.
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