Removing Forks on CB350


Been Around the Block
I bought a new triple tree and fork gators, as I plan to pull off the stock shock coverings to replace with gators and then run clip-ons. Does anyone have experience removing the forks? Just wondering if this is doable by myself and/or if anyone has any tricks to make it easier. I was planning on maybe using a car jack to get the bike off the ground and slip the forks out, wheel intact.

If I am way off, please let me know.
You will probably want to support the bike so it doesn't fall forward as you remove the forks. You can take the forks out of the triple tree without removing the wheel. Just remove the top fork bolts and loosen the tightening bolts on the lower triple tree and the fork tubes should slide out. You may or may not have to remove other items like the speedo/tach mount bracket, I've now forgotten as I removed all of it. Hope that helps!
Definitely man, thanks. That was what I had thought, but the books aren't too clear and I knew someone has probably done it before. I'll give it a shot tomorrow or Sunday.

I had my engine out when I removed the forks, so it was a light and easy to handle...
Make sure you strap the bike down to whatever you use to support it...
It's gonna be tough with the wheel on because the forks are going to have to drop about a foot from the triple tree.
I just recently ripped my cl350 apart and tried getting it off with the wheel but like midnightrider said you will have to lift it up much higher to get it out with the wheel, and it'll be harder to twist/move the forks out from their holes. believe me its worth the extra 15-20 minutes to take the wheel off
Agreed. I actually just did this to replace my fork seals. The whole process is easier with the front wheel off and it doesn't add that much complexity.
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