Repealing MI helmet law ...


Been Around the Block
If you haven't heard, there is a good chance this may happen. Helmet-less riders must at least 21, pass MSF, be endorsed and have at least 2 years of riding experience. Curious about enforcement (unless obviously caught).

Not a fan and would never ride helmet-less, but understand the 'choice' argument. I've heard too many stories of head trauma from someone who used to work at a rehab facility in PA ... most patients were motorcyclists. Everyone is going to pay for this ... no doubt insurance rates will go up - which IMO is going to make operating a vintage motocycle less attractive when weighing the cost to insure for what is typically a lower-cost bike.

Discuss ...
I won't ride without a full face, but if someone wants to, I'm fine so long as they pay an insurance premium. I feel the same way about seat belts. So long as I don't have to pay more, I don't mind if you have the choice.
Yeah... Pretty much echoing what he said. As long as I'm not paying more, I don't care what you do with your own head.
I understand both sides. I personally only ride with a fullface for many reasons, a major one obviously being safety in a head impact. I'm a downhill skateboarder (search vimeo or youtube for videos of this sport) I've seen the ill effects of helmetless skateboarders as well as skaters with fullface helmets. It's different in skating because it's already frowned upon and illegal in many places, so whenever I see a helmetless skater I automatically think they're hurting our image by riding without one. Motorcycling is different, as it's established, legal, licensed, insured, etc. I think if somebody wants to ride without a helmet that's fine, but agree that they need to pay for their injuries. I'm all for social healthcare but with the stipulation that the public needs to take responsibility to ensure they're not going out of their way to create injuries for themselves. I'm fine with paying for somebody else's ill timed surgery and/or disease treatment (I personally have used charity to pay for a medical bill, and will be eternally grateful to those organizations), but paying for somebody's head injuries that are easily preventable, is a little irritating to me.
I was thinking about this today before reading this^^

Pro choise. Im an adult, I pay taxes, I vote, I should be able to choose if I want a lid or not. Hell, in B.C, if your Siek with a turban, you dont have to wear a helmet... I will wear a lid but I dont want to have to wear it for fear of the law...

Summed up, If you can vote, you should be able to choose if you want a lid or not. You should just have secondary medical insurance to cover your own ass incase.
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