Resistor or non resistor cap?


Been Around the Block
So i've been reading some ppl, like use resitor caps and some dont, the main argument being that my cl350 doesnt have stereos to worry about static, but really whats is the best to run? i will be using the pamco ignition and the B8ES plug and dont know if i should use either non resistance or resistance one, there are a lot of caps models in ebay and what gap should i use? if someone could shed some light ill appreciated it!
Resistor caps are made to limit EMI (Electro Magnetic Resistance), which is extremely important in digital electronics (such as those found in on-board computers and electronic ignitions).

Large levels of magnetism can create voltage spikes when those fields collapse (this is exactly how your coils work). Likewise, large voltage levels can create magnetism which can be picked up by wires in and around your HT leads (aka plug wires). Because digital electronics generally run at the +5V range, it doesn't take much EMI to create a false signal.

Also, plugs are specifically designed to work with or without resistor caps and you don't want to mix the two up. If you switch to resistor caps, make sure your plugs are NOT resistor types. If you're running 0ohm caps, resistor plugs can be used. 0hm caps and non-resistor plugs should only be used on vintage machines without any modern electronics.

Short version: Resistor caps keep your electronics working properly.
Also... if you're running an electronic ignition, you may want to switch over to BR8ES plugs (or go with resistor caps).
In simple terms, you need a resistor. It ca be in the plug - as in BR9xxx etc. Or it can be in the leads - suppressed leads.

Or the plug cap.

I have Iridium plugs with resistors and resistor plug caps because I couldn't find 0 ohm caps when I was looking for them. The bike runs fine.
Resistor every time.

People worry about 'power loss' because of the resistor. What drivel. Get a Fluke meter and measure the resistance of a spark plug between the centre electrode and the threaded part. So what is the resistance of the air gap? Several million ohms, at least.

A 5,000 ohm resistance in the plug cap isn't a pee in the pond in comparison to whats at the end of the spark plug.

The resistor has several functions: It allows the spark voltage to build to a higher level before it reaches the spark plug ensuring a surer spark and it stops radio interferance.

Its required by law in most countries and most raceing rules require the igition to be supressed. Fit one, get better sparks and you wont piss your neighbours off everytime you ride your bike down your street.
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