Rickman Fairing


New Member
Anyone know where I might be able to pick up a fairing like this? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=220146156988&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=012 I'm watching it on e-bay but the shipping is about $190.
Talk to PAt Cowan at Paco Motorstuff in Georgetown:

(905) 873-3171

Send him the pic and see what he has.

Tell him I send ya. he'll be at the Milton swap meet in a few weeks

When/where is the swap meet in Milton? It isn't too far for me either and I may find something for the 400, like clip ons, or a seat.
If it was at the same place last year, then it will be at the Agricultural museum in Milton.
You can find EXACTLY that on airtech's site...fibreglass. They have a bunch of rickman styled stuff...now whether or not they have the windscreen i dunno but that you can find elsewhere.

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