rolling stereotypes part II... do these sleeves make my arms looks bad ass?!


Got to keep the loonies on the path...
Here it is guys! In addition to a solid state cover, this will ensure you are the biggest douche nugget in the bar parking lot!!!
No doubt - but... they did give me an idea. They have a 'turn signal' version which is just very bright neon green or something stupid.

I think I'm going to get some reflective bicycle ankle bands or whatever it is cyclists use to hold their pant legs to put around my wrists for night riding. No turn signals, and hand signals are hardly effective at night. Some reflective tape at the wrist / on the gloves or something would actually be pretty good to have.
You know tim that right there is a great idea man ! Same thing no signals and would be why i wouldnt ride much at night . Now might have to rethink it ... ;D
maddrill24 said:
you could sew in a 9-volt with some flashing lights on your forearm?? haha

Ya, right into the skin!! That would be hardcore Tim!! ;D ;D
Tim... Search for coal miner gloves (also called Spiderman Gloves by the miners). Theyre basically MechanicsWear gloves with plastic metatarsal protection, but theyre bright orange with reflective stripes. I have a spare set for when I work in the mine Id send ya, but theyre soaked with hyraulic fluid and coal dirt. Haha.
a couple wraps of EL wire around your arms would would make you really visible. a strip of red down the back of the arm, yellow down the front would be pretty effective. you can get something like 5m for 5$ shipped off ebay, and they come with a battery pack that runs off a couple AA's.
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