Sealed Battery - relocation tips


Been Around the Block
I need some Advice/Direction.

Im in the middle of re-wiring my project (1980 xs650) and about to start my fiberglass tail section project. since i want to hid all my electronics and clean up the look of the bike i need to find a battery that i can hide easily.

the size of the battery will determine the final shape of my tail section so i need to figure both out somewhat at the same time. I plan to run all the stock components; lights, turn signals, guages, ect... so i need a battery that can handle all that, oh and start the bike using the starter.

Any suggestions? boom.

Or of course has some others. There are a bunch of places just gotta search.

My battery which is a power sonic (sealed) is roughly 4x4x6 small enough to hide for sure.
Hey, I am planning on using one from those sold by the guys at Dime City Cycles. They have a good small one about 4 x 5 inches they said would work well. Going to hid it under my seat section as well. Working on the battery tray this week.
good start, thanks guys. I found some locally, the link below is the same brand/battery. I can get them in a multitude of sizes for the local battery shop and cheaper than on line. also checked out the ones at Dime City.... My question is what is the lowest amp rating that i can get away with to start the bike and still run all the electronics on the bike? 5, 10, 12, 15, 20ah??? anyone know.

this is an example of what i can get locally.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1170&bih=602&wrapid=tlif133789871635910&q=12v+Sealed+AGM+12A+Battery&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=15471006725893823818&sa=X&ei=4La-T5qSIYuAsgLizODfCQ&ved=0CM0BEPICMAQ#
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