Should I buy this bike???


New Member
Hey guys,
Thinking about going to pick this bike up tomorrow. From what I can tell, it looks like a solid bike, but I'm still a newb when it comes to vintage motorcycles. Would really appreciate some experienced opinions before I make the trek to purchase the bike. Thanks.

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Big fan of the KZ as I've had a couple and still have 1 kz750. Easy bikes to work on with only 2 carbs. Most of these KZs have starter clutch issues so the starter doesn't work. Looks like you're good there. Sounds fine. I'd clean the carbs anyway. The 400 might be a little slow but it seems like it could be a fun little city bike. The fact that it's running and appears to be all there is a great starting point. Most likely gong to have to rebuild the brakes but it's not too hard. I'd try to talk him down to $600 or $700.
Looks clean and I would say that is a fair price. I would personally try and get it a little lower, but thats just me. ;D
I don't think there's a person on here that doesn't try to shave a few bucks off the price. It never hurts to try. And it looks like a nice bike to me.
I don't know where you're at, snow and all, but in my neck of the woods thats a decent bike for a decent price. Like said, never hurts to make an offer. I don't think I've paid the asking price on much in my life. Look closely at things like tires, cables, etc. I would be pretty confident he'd let it go closer to $800.

Any way, I've owned a few Kz400's and really enjoyed them. They seem more substantial than other small bore bikes. I was young when I owned mine and beat the hell out of them. I never had any issues with them. They were for me very dependable and easily carried two adults. I really enjoyed the ones I owned and that one is the cool green color...
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