Society Today.....blah!

dcmspikes said:
geez, i didnt think this group was capable of this. i think the problem today is a general lack of responsibility.

at the end of the day you have to live with the knowledge of what realy happened and the consequences of your actions.

if there is one thing ive learned about relationships it is communication. if you arent happy with something, let it be known. but what do i know?

my point is that in todays society people are not expected to be responsible for themselves. to the point that when they are responsible they are untrustworthy. its great to be alive. so dont be too accountable for yourself, you just might find yourself on some sort of blacklist.

It is somewhat surprising the thoughfullness that has gone into the responses in this thread, but having been around here for some time now, I really shouldn't be surprised.

Agreed. Not taking personal responsibility for one's actions IS a major problem within society today. "It's never my fault. Someone else is to blame."

Communication is a key for sure.

As far as doing what's "right". IMO, there's never a good reason not to do what's right. Even if it's only so you can sleep peacefully at night.

Man up. Take the heat. You're better off in the end.
Speaking of most (like 99%) of the ACTIVE members of this site, I feel we are a real stand-up group! All seem responsible acting, grateful, kind, helpful, and hold a fairly high moral standard. I feel that is what really separates DTT from the 100,000 other forums on the WWW! I feel free to speak on any topic in this community with the comfort of knowing that we can all hold an adult conversation on the matter with no bickery, name calling, and bashing. When topics like this, guns, art, politics, and so on are discussed in this type of manner, everyone who read them gain. We have all shared knowledgeable view points and all gained knowledge on different subjects and discovered angles on topics we may have not previously viewed. I feel that we can all gain much more than just motorcycle knowledge from such a great group of intelligent people that seem to have congregated here at DTT. I am very happy to be a part of this site, to be honest, it has become a big part of my life now, I look forward to reading all of your post on bikes and other every morning. DTT stays open in one of my browser tabs on my work computer all day (when I am in the office) and I check it every spare second I have! Thank all of you for being the people you are, and for being a great part of this on-line community!
djelliott said:
I like bacon!
I rather like bacon myself, but I'm most partial to wearing a kilt on a breezy day!

Quote from: tWistedWheelz on Mar 24, 2010, 17:30:54
cresent, sometimes when I read your post, I have the voice of lawrence fishburn as mophius narrating your post! The above is some matrix shit for sure!
Don'cha know.....he IS Laurance Fishburn!
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