Some cool shots


Reminds me No, I'm sure of it. I hate him
Happened upon a sweet old bridge and figured I'd share the photos

Awesome bridge/shots. Love it!! Growing up our school bus had to drive over a bridge like that. Was about 100' in the air and about 900' long, single lane with many of the boards broken or missing. I don't think it had ever been painted and many of the braces were rusted in two. Scary as hell to cross in a school bus. Thank goodness a (100 yr) flood finally removed it but unfortunately after I graduated.

anyhow, didn't mean to get off track. I wanted to also ask about the roads. Looks like my favorite kind! :)
Troy that sounds like a disaster waiting to happen haha.
The old bridge across the river in charleston sc was all metal and the road surface was grating so you could see through it, it was rusted to hell from the saltwater and about as narrow as you can get a full size car through. It was not really fun to cross, and terrifying on a motorcycle for some reason.

But that one is in a state park and really well maintained the roads around it are pretty sweet, that part of tn reminds me of West Virginia actually
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