Sorta New, Manitoulin Island, ontario, canada

Ahnee (hello in Ojibway)
I have been a member for a while but i have never made a post or bothered to introduce myself, so here goes, I am based out of Manitoulin Island (great place to ride paved road and very little trafic and a nice ferry boat to get you to the island from the bruce penisula) I have been collecting and restoring british bikes for a couple of years and have had a desire to build a smokin cafe for a couple of years. I am based out of the Wikwemikong First Nation and my current War Pony is a 68 BSA Lighning done in a Clubman style (i will try to get some pics up soon) I am building a 71 bsa cafe and just picked up a 72 BMW r75/5 that would look great as a cafe. any help with these projects would be great.
I work as a wilderness guide and skills instructor/ environmental educator (got my masters from york in 2000) and i can take visitors out to some very special places on the island .... send me a line and come for a visit to the isle of MAN(itoulin) just remember to bring your bike.
I vote for a road trip up north to pay a visit! Let's see some pics! I've got a 1975 R75/5 but it's all stock and staying that way for now. My other bike is a 1972 XS650 that is the cafe project.

Welcome to the site. I'll dig up some pics of rear-sets on a BMW. I've seen them bolted to the rear footpeg mounting plates an inch or so back from the frame rails.
Tintin said:
I vote for a road trip up north to pay a visit!

I'm pretty sure I'd be up for that!!!! Of course, um, that is, once I get at least one of my bike's running....... Hopefully soon. Maybe we could tour up there with an XS posse. Of course, um, that is, once you get your XS running Tim. ;D

Furthest up the Bruce I've been is Lion's Head. Pretty close to the end, but not quite. Would like to check out the ferry and the island sometime too. I always liked big boats.

Anywho, welcome to the site. Good bikes, good people, good times. I concur, you must post up some pics of your stable.

Gorgeous area, my wife and I honeymooned there in 2003. Did a fair bit of kayaking around Lions head, then up to flower pot island, then all the shipwrecks. It was incredible.
I occasionally go back to mountain bike at Blue Mountain, but I don't know if I will make it back up there this year. Having a hard time getting a motorcycle to work. It would be a terrific place to go ride, that's for sure!


I've heard that area is very nice. I'd love to ride there. Just gotta find the time.
Tintin said:
I vote for a road trip up north to pay a visit! Let's see some pics! I've got a 1975 R75/5 but it's all stock and staying that way for now. My other bike is a 1972 XS650 that is the cafe project.

Welcome to the site. I'll dig up some pics of rear-sets on a BMW. I've seen them bolted to the rear footpeg mounting plates an inch or so back from the frame rails.

Any help and sugestions re: what to do with these bikes to get that hardcore cafe style is great. By the way joining the CVMG is a great idea and the cafe section should be great....

Most importantly would you guys like to make a run to the island ... i could get the local pub to sponsour a meal and a couple tee shirts and there are plenty of things to do cultural and otherwise on the island .... I think the end of june would be great .... let me know so i could work on it

you guys sound like fun
I'd love to make a run up that way and the end of June gives us enough time to try to get organized (our great weakness!).

How about this - put up a thread dedicated to the ride with a tentative date of late June - not sure if it conflicts with any other scheduled events, but I don't think so. We'll see how many post their interest/committment to the trip.

Would be great if you could recommend a route - assume a starting point of the CNE grounds in Toronto (Lakeshore/Bathurst basically).
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