squid from socal

I KNEW THE TAIL/BRAKE LIGHT WAS WIRED WRONG!!!! From looking at it wrong I couldn't quite figure it out. That's why its always helpful to ask someone unattached to the project ;D Thanks bud, appreciate it.

Ahh, the killswitch. Completely forgot about it. Thanks again.
I found a combo unit that has a 3-position switch and killswitch together (http://www.ebay.com/itm/161270190584?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649).
Will this work?
That should work yeah.
I always use this one

Lights, kill, and starter.
I'd recommend keeping the starter if I were you. Kick is cool and all, but it gets pretty old pretty damn quick when the bike doesn't want to start, or it's raining, or it's cold, or it's hot, or your cat just died.
I have been debating keeping the e-start. I'll contemplate some more on it. But for now, I have a two-part question...

1) Moving forward with this watered down, kick only wiring, what battery would I use?
2) If I do keep the e-start, what battery would I use then?

Thanks in advance.
Its simple math really, you take all the wattage ratings for the things that will be ON while the bike is running and add them up. Convert that to amps then add say 10-15%. Buy a battery that has some where in that AMP HOUR rating.

For the keeping the starter, try to find a battery that has roughly the same output as a stock battery. Or just use a stock battery. Looks are overrated, being stuck on the side of the road because you can't keep a bike running is cool though...
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