Stator help.


New Member
Hey guys and girls. My stator is shot and just wondering if I can use a different stator with the same mount pattern?
Found a couple on ebay and wondering if I can re wind one and use it or do I have to use the exact same stator?
To go short. No, you cannot. The only people who can do this stuff usually dont ask on a forum.
But seriously.. Electrics are delicate and while parts may look the same, they never are the same. Just buy a Rick's and be done with it.
Yeah that's a fair comment. Perhaps I worded the question wrong.
I know it can be done theoretically, but in my line of work just because it looks good on paper doesn't mean it will work in the field. I suppose I was after some input regarding if people have done it and it wasn't quite right, what were the problems you ran into and what you did to solve them.
Everybody has to start somewere and it's never at the top.
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