Steampunk + Motorcycle

I think this bike fits this genre, if just barely. It's one of my favorite bikes, and it's local (to me anyway).


Do you have any more info on this bike?
Location? Builder? Build Thread? More photos?

LittleKip said:
I think this bike fits this genre, if just barely. It's one of my favorite bikes, and it's local (to me anyway).


Just One:


No Build thread or Builder Info.

Last summer I saw this guy out riding and just had o get a photo of his bike. Two weeks later I'm cruising the bike show around the corner from where I work and I pass the bike. Thats where I got the top two photos. Unfortunately the owner was no where to be seen and there was no info on the bike. However my boss is pretty sure he know whose bike it is. I'll pick his brain more tomorrow, If he knows anything I'll post it.
Yup, FoCo raised baby! FCHS and everything. Why? this your ride? How'd you guess?
Anyway, Where you at? I'll have my bike up and running in the next week, then meybe three weeks to get the title work cleared, then I'll be ready to ride. We should get the other NoCo. people together.
thats awsome what are the between greeley and windsor area, but within the next couple years ill be movin up totally down to ride anytime man just shoot me a line
Awesome ^ I saw a shot of that bike a while ago and I've been wanting to see more pics of it. There's a lot of work in that one.
Talk about resurrecting a thread.

I've been thinking alot about sidecars the past couple of years. That's a sweet looking looking setup to take my wee little girl to daycare in.
I love that guitar Rev. The nicest one on the net by far. I have been searching for a vintage electric to deface myself.

Pizano, that bike is bad ass, and sure does have the look with the exposed drive gear and square lug. Cool finds fellas.
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