Still have to get a seat


New Member
Here is the before and after. Its a 71 CB 570 with a 78 motor. I still have the seat left to do and I have been using this stie for help. Thanks Josh.



Very cool scoot man. Now that you have that perfectly shiny paint I think it's time to take some steal wool and Castrol Super Clean to the wheels and engine! Love the helmet to by the way.
Already started. Im hitting it with Brasso, OO steel wool, then Mothers. I have a polishing tool for the end. Im looking to get it up to a decent shine in a couple of months.
Thanks, Got the faces of Ebay, Kody Martin is the guy that makes them and he will go out of his way to make you what you want. I had to cut the holes out myself, used a paper clip. Great products. Here is his link.
Also bought the chrome covers on Ebay.
Great start! love the color scheme.
You've come a long way already. Looks like a lil spit-n-polish from here on.
def lookin sharp man!

just wondering where you got that back end/ seat pan. I'm guessing from Carpy's site since it looks like one of the seat pans I've seen on there before.
I dont know if you want details on the helmet or paint so heres both.

The helmet is a Queen Kwan ent. I dont think it is expensive because a friend gave it to me. He had 9 from a driving class. It was white.

As for the paint I had basic painters masking tape, pin stripping tape, and two rattle cans. First I sanded off the clear. I layed a line of blue painters tape and cut out the checkerboard, sprayed it black, peeled the tape and pin stripped it red. Did the same for the racing stripe. Found an ACE of spades design on the web and printed it. Layed basic painters tape, traced the design and cut it out with an exacto knife. Sprayed it black and peeled the tape. For the japanese flag (reversed) cut out a circle on the painters tape. Then I took the pin stripping tape a lane a line straigh through the center like a clock from 12 to 6. Placed another a few min. off that. I continued around the clock like from 1 to 7 and so on. Filled in every other line with painters tape and sprayed it red. Also sprayed half my garage "makin memories". I pinstriped the ACE and spent alot of time touching up the red and checkerboard with paint thinner. By buddy clear coated it. I bought some gogles that cover up some mistakes. 20/20 paint job, looks good from 20 yards at 20 mph. My first attempt, gained a new respect for custom painters. THanks for the compliments.


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