Tail Section that Looks Like This


Active Member
I'm looking to either build or buy a tail section that looks like the attached pic.

Anyone know where I can get one of these bad boys? I might contact some peeps to put together one for me or try to build it myself...
I spent some time looking at both of those sites last night... but it's so hard to get a feel for them on there :)

What I like about the tail section is the roundness...

On Glass from the Past -> Yamaha seat part# YAMRSA

On Airtech -> VESCO4 Vesco "Big Butt"

Thanks for the links dude!
whoisjake said:
I'm looking to either build or buy a tail section that looks like the attached pic.

Anyone know where I can get one of these bad boys? I might contact some peeps to put together one for me or try to build it myself...
I have one just like that or very close. I was thinking of selling it. Let me know if your interested
If you're looking for a new seat, we're building a few bits of glass right now and can squeeze you into our schedule if you commit fairly soon.
The seat you're looking at is a copy of the Don Vesco Racing seat from the early-mid '70's. Don is gone now (to prostrate cancer a few years ago) but his unique and creative designs live on.
He designed and built 2 styles of "big butt" seat - the flat tail version you have the photo of and another version with a slight kickup at the back, which is what we build (I think it's supposed to make the airstream close up a little better or something).
I sell (1) just the upper, for $141.59 CDN plus taxes and shipping as applicable, and
(2) the upper with a lower undertail bonded on (see the Airtech website - their photos of the optional underside are very good) for $197.37 CDN plus taxes and shipping. The undertail made all the difference on a high speed track like Daytona as it really cleans up the airflow. For a street bike, it might be overkill, but gives you a great place to mount a taillight and if you are creative, you could make yourself a neat little storage compartment as well.
We also have a little bit of 1/2 inch thick peel'n'stick foam racer seat padding left in stock and this would work well on this seat.

If you're interested, email pacomotorstuff@cogeco.ca and I'll send you a couple of photos of our seat.
Right now we're running about 3 weeks delivery on parts after receipt of payment. Cash or moneyorder only, payable to "Pacomotorstuff".
Enjoy your project.
Pat Cowan,
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