Teeth, I hate em


So a few days ago I have whats left of a tooth (left side second back from the canine) pulled. Through years of neglect and malnutrition it had pretty much crumbled down till it was just the roots left. So I gets it pulled and things are just hunky-dory in tooth town. Going in on the 8th for a couple fillings and Im on the way to pure dental satifaction. So yesterday I'm eating some home made pizza and I hear a crack on the right side where I'm chewing. Again its second back from the canine but on the right. Hurts all day and today to try and eat and life kinda sucks. Well I'm flossing around after dinner with one of em toothpick floss combos and big fekking chunks of said tooth come out. Looks like another one coming out. Damnit! :'(
Yea usually when one starts going the rest will go to.

Pop/Soda is a real killer of teeth. I've heard about people who despite NOT brushing had excellent teeth because they never used sugar and never ate sweets.

If you like the sweet stuff you gotta brush, floss, and generally spend an hour a day on your teeth...it sucks.
Yup, I'm the oddball in our family, I don't do sweets. (except for sweet tea and I'm using truvia for that).
I go to the dentist every 16 or so years to be told I have no cavities.
Everyone else keeps anbesol at arms reach, and HATES dentists. ; )

I did have two wisdom teeth cut out because of over-crowding, so it's not all rainbows and unicorns. ;D
Glad to hear I'm not alone. Last Tuesday eating dinner I heard the same crack. Broke a back tooth. Dentist visit yesterday. X-ray and got told it could be saved with a root canal and crown. Its getting pulled Monday morning. Wed. we head for Bonneville!! Less weight. I'll accelerate faster!

For those who are curious. Hitler didn't die in his bunker. He escaped and founded a dental school. At least that's how I feel about dentists.
yeah I take it easy on the swet stuff myself. Most of this damage was done years ago when I didnt brush my teeth for a few years. that was dumb.
Hoofhearted said:
For those who are curious. Hitler didn't die in his bunker. He escaped and founded a dental school. At least that's how I feel about dentists.

I hear that, its all just organized crime if you ask me.
I'm heading in for phase 2 of a root canal/crown Monday morning. My 2nd. I inherited lousy teeth from my mom - pretty sure that's how it works. Thankfully I married a woman with excellent teeth, so with luck, my daughter will be spared (although she's in a retainer now at 9 - small mouth, big teeth).
I also got my bad teeth from my mother, I think your right that might be how that works. I just hope our baby girl won't have deal with what I have. My wife has good teeth, so let's hope your theory is right.
Whew....I do not like the dentist. I punched one once.....while in the chair. I told him the Novocain wasn't working. Told him when he starting poking around the tooth in question, told him again....louder....when he jammed his electrified tool made of broken glass and hate right into a cavity I was there to have fixed. He didn't listen and started REALLY prodding around so I clubbed him.
I don't go to that dentist anymore.
I don't like to go to the dentist at all.
I did enjoy knocking that sadist on his can.

Speaking of which...shit...I have a checkup next month....
Got back from the dentist today. After getting 2 large cavities dealt with I came home and proceded to slowly lose my sanity as the freezing wore off and the pain showed up. Holy fuck! Advil liqui gels didnt put a fucking dent in it, only about 45 mins after I took some Extra strength tylenol was I able to start coping. Fel asleep for a bit cus the pain had just worn me the fuck out. My wife went out and got me some T1s so Ill tqake them in an hour or so and should feel better. I assume I'll sleep like a baby. Going back to the dentist tomorrow to get em to figure out where they fucked up.
Also a couple days after having my tooth extracted, the same one on the other side self destructed against a pizza slice. That one is going next month. :'(
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