There goes my summer


the future is my friend
End of the first week at Summer Camp and this happens. Overweight camper loses his balance and drops all of his 275 lbs on my ankle:


Happened Saturday night and I had to wait until Monday to see an Orthopedist. Mountain ER nurses wrapped me up like it was a sprain. My foot was literally dangling from my body, flopping back and forth for over 36 hours before I had a proper splint. Tibia and Fibula are broken. Probably the most painful day and a half of my life. Oh, getting your ankle set and relocated is equally as painful. I never want to go through that experience again. Sitting around hopped up on hydrocodone until Surgery Monday. Getting a plate and screws installed. Then keeping it elevated for 2 weeks. Oh, and a cast and all that biz. There goes my Summer. At least I get to spend time with Tiger each day.

booo... I once spent 5 months out of commission with a salter fracture and 3 torn ligaments. let me just say, it fucking BLOWS.

spending time with the kid though isn't bad. Appreciate every moment; before you know it, they'll be 18 and a total pain in the ass (like myself!)

heal up good man.
Next time, demand a paramedic. They are better suited for fractures. :D Here's to a speedy recovery and wishes from something of the summer.
Hopefully the camps insurance paid the medical bills for you. Tuff luck though man that shit has to hurt!
Sorry to hear that, let alone see that!!..

I hope you get better soon.
That's what mine looked like when I broke it in a few places. I wish you a speedy recovery but it probably won't be. DO THE PHYSICAL THERAPY! If only the world wasn't dominated by fat asses...
It's a really strange feeling to see a part of my body flopping around (besides the body part that's supposed to flop around). The shock plus some left over pain pills from my wisdom teeth removal got me through the ER visit. The next 36 hours and the bone setting were killer. I don't know what sounds I made on that table, but seeing, feeling and listening to two guys physically pop and push my bones and foot back into place was borderline horror.
Reminds me of a story....

i had a friend who broke his fore arm straight in half from a bmx fall... he stupidly, while in shock, said,


we told him to leave it alone, but he didnt listen, and a loud crunching noise was heard as he snapped his arm straight again. then a thud was heard as he hit the floor, passing out from the pain. we then brought him to the hospital where he got many pins put into his arm.

long story short, he got the street cred alright. everyone knows him as the crazy guy who snapped his arm back in place. some would say balls, but knowing him better, I would say stupidity.
Na man that's straight balls. Minus points for passing out tho haha. Sorry about your ankle man. Foot injuries are the worst!
Sorry to hear man, take your time and heal up... You dont want to sustain any prolonged injury from the accident.
You will be back on a bike in no time.
Been there man. Best wishes on a quick turn around. And, like stated above DO THE PHYSICAL THERAPY! Get well bud.
Had my surgery, got the titanium bits and screws. Everything was peachy until the sciatic nerve block wore off. Weening myself off of two weeks of percocets. Tried to go cold turkey and my body said "NO." THings are alright, Doc says stay propped up for two weeks after surgery. It's driving me crazy. I'm sick of TV, video games, and damn near the internet too. I'm hoping that getting off the pain pills will help me focus on reading.
Aw man, my heart goes out to ya. About 15 years ago I broke my ankle. It was a minor fracture, no where near what you're suffering through. But being in a boot cast for six weeks was enough for me to loathe the whole experience. I think I'd rather break an arm OFF than break a leg again.

Take your time and heal up right ;)
Youch!!! That's gnarly! I'm right there with you though brother. Got hit by a car only bike and broke the same bones, got all the pins rods, plates, EXCEPT my choke lever sliced open the back of my calf, thus allowing all of those broken bones to shoot out the back of my leg, and slicing ever muscle in my lower leg in half. They've done 2 muscle flaps and two skin grafts. Shit is brutal! You'll be okay though man! WE'LL be okay!

Here's two links to two pics of me and my leg stillllllll in the hospital:

I feel your pain brother! I'm still worried about keeping my leg :(
MNBikerPup said:
Next time, demand a paramedic. They are better suited for fractures. :D Here's to a speedy recovery and wishes from something of the summer.

Yeah man, I woulda taken good care of you bro. Probably even threw you some morphine for good measure!!!
take up cup stacking as a hobby.... or grab a bucket and fill it with soapy water, grab your aluminum motor bits, and sand them all out to 1000 grit, in preparation for buffing ;)
Cast is off after three weeks. Gnarly stitches on both sides of my ankle. Wound up with 8 screws and a plate. Bill hasn't arrived in the mail. I'm getting anxious. I don't want to see it but I need to see it, you know? I'm getting fat as hell cause I can't run, swim or play ball. It goes without saying but, my ankle is a little stiff.


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