things that make me grumpy

Rich Ard said:
That last part is funny - my dad worked for the same company from before I was born until just a couple of months ago, and I have always looked to that as the way Things Should Be. But I can't help but notice that the people I know who jump ship every couple of years seem to make pretty good dough.

That's a generational difference I've observed as well. I'm much more of the attitude that I will decide how much I'm worth, not my employer. If they won't pay me what I'm worth, I'll find somewhere that will. It works better for me because I have to be realistic about my skills and how I deliver. If someone is just patting me on the back when I do "good" I have to guess what "good" is in my boss' eyes and that's just impossible. It's especially bad in the IT world where the old school guys often don't see it that way: You're hired to do a job and if you do that job without fucking up you get paid. But the "kids" see their contribution, realize that their hard work has improved the world in a very real way and they want to be compensated for it.

But what's making me grumpy this morning is that I have 8 hours of work plus 3.5 hours of driving before I get to the Windy City for a weekend excursion. Why don't Fridays ever move fast?

lingo said:
Meh, you guys should work in the car industry. Everyone is a prick. If you aren't a prick when you start, you will be before you get out of it.

It's bad in commodities markets too. Customers will jump ship for a $0.001 discount on 5,000 units just to "teach you a lesson." I work in the only industry I know of that not only gives away it's product, but gives away the services required to make that product just because some asshole behind a desk claims they can get it cheaper elsewhere.

It turns you into this groveling prick with carpet burn on his knees who watches his business go down the drain and then cheer yourself because you stayed in business.

bradj said:
what in the hell are you talking about?

Put down the beer and follow the threads:

VonYinzer Said:
Which brings me to my present saltiness... Watching dbag morons get promotions/raises/etc because I'm good at my job, while I don't see shit. Then being told for two years that the higher-ups have "plans for me" and "find me to be a very valuable part of this team", yet I'm still getting fucked because I refuse to suck their dicks everytime they walk into the room. It really doesn't matter how smart you are or how much hustle you put in sometimes. It only matters how much wrinkled dong your willing to choke down. Fucking pricks.

I Said:
If you had a better attitude and softer hands, the wrinkled dongs would not be so wrinkled.....Though
I suspect you aren't much more likely to choke down smooth dongs either...

Lingo Said:
Meh, you guys should work in the car industry. Everyone is a prick. If you aren't a prick when you start, you will be before you get out of it.

SonReir Said:
Real estate is like that, too.

Rich Ard Said:
I work in real estate and can confirm the above statement.

I said:
Are you a wrinkled Dong or a smooth dong....nevermind, I really don't want to know... 8)

So I was asking what kind of Prick is Rich Ard...

It was funny when I thought of it...explaining it takes some of the fun, if any, away....
Explaining it doesnt take the fun outta it, it points out how 3rd grader could have thought it up. read the thread?, i was part of the thread. i watched you beat a unfunny dead horse untill it rose to the ranks of unfunny er. you may need to come up for air off rich ards vitual cock for a sec. the lack of oxygen is getting to ya
You want to talk about dick sucking in the workplace? I can tell you about dick sucking in the workplace. I work at a corporate backed gold mine, thats right a gold mine full of hillbillys thats run like a major corporation would run things. Its horrible, most people brag about working here but Im fucking embarrased. I would rather tell them I work at seven eleven and Im a supervisor for christ sakes. This place makes me want to kill myself...after Im done being angry anyways.
So what you're saying is there's a lot of fellatio in a gold mine
Putting a collectible item up on a related forum and it gets multiple views and zero responses. Trying to swap a fairly rare saddle ring carbine (20 inch octagon barrel) for a muzzleloader. Even put up it was going to the melt pile after the barrel gets harvested for a different project. Nobody wants it. $700 muzzleloader for a perfectly working vintage $1600 rifle should seem like a good deal... oh well, I'll take the 7 cents a pound for the scrap value.
Scruffy, have you put it on gunbroker or a pawn show at least? Get more for it than scrap my man.
Makes me grumpy that Jussy, Dock, Fix, Ard, Coconut, Mike, Matt, Tim, and Johnnnnn... will not be at Barber. :mad:
*pout, pout, pout* :'(
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