This is good right?


Been Around the Block
looks fine to me. little bit of brown is good. I like mine to be a tad richer but that'll work just fine. Just don't lean it out any.
Good for what? Unless you can tell us teh way you were running it, we can't tel you anything about the way the bike is running.

For example., let's say you puttered back to the shop after doing a plug chop. What we are looking at is the putting back to the shop and yet we think we are diagnosing WOT on the main jet. When people ask me that at the race track, if they didn't do a full bore plug chop, I'm going to start throwing their plugs away until they learn that you can't read a plug just by looking at the tip and you can't read anything unless we know exactly what was happening when the ignition was killed.

I don't mean to be a PIA but plug mixture is read down inside the plug, not at the tip. The tip tells us if the plug has been too hot from too much advance and too little gas, but that's all it tells us. The insulator nose should be white with no signs of pepper spray (detonation) or cement boil.

Plugs have to be running at peak temps to self clean and to read them. Partial load masks most things we need to see at WOT.

If that plug was pulled after a full load plug chop, it's running too cool. If not it cant tell us much. How does the bike feel? That's more important
Listen to Teazer, he speaks the truth. I just went round and round on plug reading.
If its a generalised beating on it, yes, it's good for the RPM you've used
The bottom of threads are not overheated and the ground electrode should show a definite line where the heat is.
You'll need to do some more testing with a 2nd~3rd gear slight uphill run at full throttle to check main jet (depends if you can get somewhere with a high enough speed limit or little traffic)
Yeah I have plenty of space to do tests. That plug was after about 30 minutes of back roads riding. I pulled it goin about 70 in 6th gear.
You'll have to remind me, are you using stock carbs?
With CV, 70 in 6th gear wont get slides full open, you need to hit max rpm and hold it there long enough to see mixture.
If your using CV's, try same run in 3rd or 4th gear and check again.
I know that road between andersonville and americus has some good hills for you to a pull on, but then agian i can think of 10-15 different good places to do it at around there.
Yeah I usually hit up talentstore road its about 3 mi long and half of it is a pretty good incline and it's fairly far out so there's not much traffic either its out on 30 towards ellaville. Hwy 49 has some great hills I really wanna bomb some on the longboard but there is always a lot of traffic.
lol, yeah i think one of those semi's or a dump truck will hit you out that way if you were to do that cause they aren't expecting anything smaller than a bike out there and even then they really only look for cars to be honest.
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