Turn signals?


Been Around the Block
so i have a 750f and the turn signals are just tooo big. And just kinda ugly. Anyone have any good ideas for something different?
And i kinda have a thing for the 550 style turn signals. Would these bolt up? and how mush smaller are these?
the smaller,{yet brighter} the better, in my opinion .I have mine mounted right out of the headlight{where the stock reflectors were, they literally screw right in} and my rear signals mounted on my seat tail {drilled a hole}
I got mine from Carpy, but there not hard to find
Easy to install
hand signals, and turn signals all work like shit because people are stupid. I had my blinker on, trying to get into the right lane to get gas (was literally stalling on e), slowed down, pointed in the direction i wanted to go, and this woman was still looking right at me, staying right between me and the exit, and kept slowing down with me, so i turned around, yelled at her with my helmet on (translation, angry eye expression) and pointed and jabbed in the air that i wanted to go right... i ended up stopped in the left lane to wait for this unconscious turd to get the picture and let me by
I use the stop signal when I'm slowing down sometimes... just to get the extra attention.
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