Two 60's honeys


Ex-business weasel
1967 Metralla Mk2


1967 Black Bomber

Oh man ... they are beautiful. Did you restore the bikes or were they bought in that condition ?? :eek:
Ahhhh.. the black bomber...
I really REALLY want one of those...
I found the Honda at Paris a couple of years ago and was able to come to terms with the owner. The Metralla is a work in progress, currently looking for an oil pump plunger, and Amal Monoblock but it's almost done. It has a sister bike, also a '67 that's complete but cosmetically sad. I'm torn between giving it the treatment, or running it in P1 in the VRRA. The Metralla is an odd bike to collect, but it was my main ride back in high school and the bad old days, so it's got a warm spot in my heart.

I'm just finishing off my garage and have a '70 Lightning waiting for some tender loving care, and I'd like to find an cheap and abused Victor 441 to give the cafe treatment to. I'll post some more shots once I get clear of the drywall dust and weld spatter.

Cheers, and thanks for looking,

Magnificent!!![/i] I have been surveying an old 350 BSA B31 in pieces in my shed, and wondering, can it caf' as a single?, your elegant beauty gives me hope.
they're beautiful!!!
i'll come pick them up at your earliest convenience ;D i'm so generous i won't even charge you! ;)
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