Two Guys Garage Cafe Build


Active Member
Sitting there watching Speed TV this morning and there featured on Two Guys Garage is Fuller Building a cool cb550 cafe racer. If anyone is interested, go to the Two Guys website and check out times when the next episode will be aired.
Yeah, it's a pretty cool build. The episode was a rerun I think, unless the've done it twice. Was this the monoshock bike? I think it first aired a few months back...
Yes, this is the monoshock bike. I have no idea when they will be doing more episodes on the project.
Posted back in June after it aired... Lots of mods and custom made stuff. Real professional work. Can't wait to see finished project though there is no mention of it in upcoming episodes...
Thanks for the link to your initial post biker_reject. Deviant 1 made some interesting comments there. I'm hoping it stays in the realm of the working class budget where the megadollar ride is the exception and not the rule.
Well, with the level of work they do on that show, I'm guessing mere mortals like me (without major shop tools or really good relationships with machine shops) would be shocked at final costs. Did you check out the proposed engraving the host sketched out (a Samurai motif) for the seat cow? Yeah, Bryan Fuller is talented for sure. I think he used to work for Chip Foose.
Bryan's cafe bike was in our booth at the SEMA show this year and like all his bikes we have had in the past, created quite a stir! It is still a work in progress but throughout the show we had a constant stream of people sharing their stories about their own Honda CBs. Unfortunately the photos don't show up the awesome hand engraving on the lower fork and hubs. The same theme will carry through the tank and cowl. Check out the detail on the upper primaries. Tiny little stainless steel tabs cut out and welded into place to look like the original castings.
What other bikes has he built? He did a Buell XB12R, but it was just a paint job and some other cosmetic stuff (which I wasn't too crazy about).
That's the first cafe bike. My favorite is the Indian but the Fueller and Kawasabi and also v-cool.

Check out this link:
Docta Jones said:
What size wheels do you think he's running?

I don't know, I can ask. I sat there looking at for 5 days, 10 hours a day and I never looked at the tire size! I do know the hubs and brakes are off a CRF450 and they custom laced the wheels.
lol... in my own little way, I hate you. ;D No snow yet, I took the 360 out a couple days ago and it was pretty cold, but not enough to stop me.
I just got back this evening from Chicago where I went to IMTS (International Manufacturing Technology Show). On Tuesday I came across the JET booth and the first thing that caught my eye was a gorgeous CB550. As I got closer, I saw that Bryan Fuller was sitting there in between it and a chopper he built. After googling over it for a bit he got freed up from someone he was talking to and spent the next 20 minutes just shooting the shit with me on the cafe. He said it was still a work in progress but it ran great. He just got done putting 600 miles on it riding to and around Sturgis. The engraving on the bike is absolutely stunning. He made a cast aluminum headlight bucket and even a cast points cover. He showed me some pics of the custom grips he has for it and also the new headlight bucket that is fully engraved by hand. He is a super cool, down-to-earth dude that just loves to build bikes/cars. Below are some pics but don't do the bike justice. It is a complete custom frame with monoshock. The electronics are below the rear cowl complete with a GPS locator.

Here are the pics.






man... the show producers really make the guys on the show look terrible. that is some STUNNING work. there tv show shows none of their true ability. too bad.

LOVE LOVE LOVE that bike.
Ya saw the complete picture on the Cafe racer TV show and its awesome just no info as it was the 750 build which was not nearly as cool as this one.
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