Vent - distracted cagers - oblivious drivers


'hacking is learning'
[vent] Just got to work. Rode the bike this morning. Came in a bit late on purpose as I usually do when I ride. I skip the heavier traffic that way. My commute is 90% freeway. I tend to stay in the left (passing) lane most of the time. Cop a few cars up in the lane ahead, so no hurry. Before you know it, a little blue car is on my right. The driver has a soda in her left hand and cell phone in her right! Barely touching the wheel with the soda hand. I give two short toots of my horn to try and be heard if not seen. No good. I see it coming, I slow down as she fucking pulls into the exact slot me and my bike were in not two seconds before. I'm holding my thumb on the horn the whole time. She never saw me, she never heard me. She did not look. TOO FUCKING OCCUPIED with her soda, phone, radio EVERYTHING but the damn road. I drop a gear pull up on the right real close look right at her - THEN she sees me - I give her the bird, she freaks and drops the soda right in her lap. Sweet justice. [/vent]

Stebel horn on order.

I've been there before. In my case the young obliviot girl looked up to see my boot preparing to kick her window in. Knowing my luck if I had tried that it would not have broken and I would have instead kicked myself into the curb and down I'd go. She had most of my lane before she saw me. Scary shit having someone do that to you. Glad you saw it coming.
That's happened to me a couple of times. Both times I was wearing hi-viz yellow. The Suburban started coming into my lane, I had to hit the horn twice. How do you miss a Spyder RT when it's right next to you? The other I think was deliberate. I'm pacing the car in front of me, the girl in the next lane starts swerving into my lane. I hit the horn and she looks over at me and continues to merge into my lane. Feh. I pin the throttle and got out of the situation. I'm glad I was on the Monster and not the CX500.
Must be one of those days. I had a truck take most of my lane by crossin the yellow line today, Wrote my rant here too. I have had that happen and had to hit the chicks window, had my wife on back with me and the chick dropped he phone and slowed way down. Texting is considered 10 or more times dangerous than driving drunk. I liked the good ol days when people swerved cause they we intoxicated, not stupid.
I really wanted to hit this womans windows but quickly thought better of it. With a cop a few cars ahead and lots of witnesses, I just figured it wasn't worth it. I have a friend who will get ahead of a dipshit driver and toss marbles over his shoulder. He keeps a few in his left jacket pocket for this. I secretly wish for a glove with a built in glass hammer.
canyoncarver said:
I really wanted to hit this womans windows but quickly thought better of it. With a cop a few cars ahead and lots of witnesses, I just figured it wasn't worth it. I have a friend who will get ahead of a dipshit driver and toss marbles over his shoulder. He keeps a few in his left jacket pocket for this. I secretly wish for a glove with a built in glass hammer.

Are you in LA by chance? Guys there put metal on their gloves to bust mirrors off cagers not paying attention as they can lane split and stupid drivers can kill them.
LOL, like the guy from OZ who was filmed from a bus txting while riding his monster with a "L" learners patch on, he lost his learners permit and the right to ride for like 10 years. Douche. Also he was in flipflops If I remember the pics/vid.
This dude?


I like this guy's style better:

I'm living in India.

Q: How do you know when an Indian rider is texting while in the saddle?

A: His bike is moving.
Maritime said:
Hillsy, that's the dude. He got caught I believe and in big trouble.

How do you even do that? My Monster is twitchy enough when I'm on the bars, he's riding with no hands!
Maritime said:
Are you in LA by chance? Guys there put metal on their gloves to bust mirrors off cagers not paying attention as they can lane split and stupid drivers can kill them.

Abq, NM. We can't filter/lane split here. Like the culture of most places that are not used to it, people would get road ragin if you did it blatantly. Did i want to make her passenger side window implode with my angry fist to really get her attention...........oh yes....
canyoncarver said:
Abq, NM. We can't filter/lane split here. Like the culture of most places that are not used to it, people would get road ragin if you did it blatantly. Did i want to make her passenger side window implode with my angry fist to really get her attention...........oh yes....

I split when I'm going through boston and cant help but laugh at people hammering on their horns about it. drivers see what they choose to see, so rather than have somebody take the lane I'm occupying, I take the middle and rest my clutch hand.
Most close calls I have while in a cage myself, are from idiots who have phones glued to their heads! I've had so many close calls while on my bike, I can't even remember them all (been on sport bikes since '95). Do you all ride on the left edge of your lane or as close to the center line as possible? I have learned over the years to claim my space and make lots of eye contact. It may come off as having an attitude, but hey, it gets a cager's attention.
biker_reject said:
Most close calls I have while in a cage myself, are from idiots who have phones glued to their heads! I've had so many close calls while on my bike, I can't even remember them all (been on sport bikes since '95). Do you all ride on the left edge of your lane or as close to the center line as possible? I have learned over the years to claim my space and make lots of eye contact. It may come off as having an attitude, but hey, it gets a cager's attention.
I totally claim my space, use my horn, stare people down and take my right of ways and use my horn to tell people I am doing it. But my last close call was a truck crossing center line while I was in mid turn and he wasn't looking to see me and my horn did nothing so the many many hours in the saddle allowed me to get out without injury, but my underwear that is another story LOL.
Man, it must be the time of year for stupid cagers. Some guy just tried to occupy the same space as me about 5 minutes ago. He pulled up next to me, then a little bit ahead so I was even with his back tire then just slowly came into my lane. I didn't realize it at first, I was riding and maintaining my distance from him when I realized I was going into the center turn lane because he was coming into mine. I don't have a horn so I downshifted, revving my engine and gave him the "you are #1" sign. Dumbass just waved back.
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