What did I do to upset the Gods .............

Guys .......if your good wishes translated to healing - I'd be completely fixed -I'm humbled.

Hand/fingers got caught between the wheel / lighting stalks etc. Happened so quickly I'm not certain what I broke them on. The wheel did flip out and I was thrown sideways to the centre of the car while my hand stayed on the right !!

Because the guy was underage, he'll probably get no more than a slap on the wrist and as for getting money out of him ......................
Get Well soon BC. I'm glad the damage was minimal, considering what could have been.
You have another hand to hold a pint as needed, so that's a plus. :)
Under age, drunk, speeding through red light, no insurance? Thats near gaol time here.

PM me your mailing address for the summer, I have something for you.
That just sucks. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery, and another deal on a sidecar rig to come along for ya.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
NEVER MIND THE FINGERS, never mind the trailer and the wasted £200 - REAL disaster struck last night ............................. :eek:

The pain was a little to uncomfortable to bear without relief ... run out of the prescribed meds, so break open that spare bottle of Jack.

Third of the way down, and the pain just a distant memory, then true disaster. Momentarily forgot [ numbed ? ] about the non functioning fingers and wrist and attempted to pick up the bottle with my damaged right hand - yep - bottle on the floor and half the contents spilled before I could scoop it up. ::)

Slept well last night ................. 8)
Oh now that's a crime right there! I once met a guy from ireland in a bar in key west, we started drinking and playing billiards, and i soon spilled part of a pint of murphys stout. I thought he was going to use me to mop it from the floor!

Having just read all this im sorry to hear what happened, and wish a speedy recovery for ya. And hope the little shit gets what he should from it. I know over here he'd be lucky to get his liscence back before age 30, and be stuck riding a scooter everywhere (but the jerk offs on them are worse than cars here too.) Oh yeah, im glad the important finger is ok too! Im sure other chairs will turn up, and I think im in step with the others to say we prefer a beachcomber with a good middle finger and no chair, as opposed to no beachcomber with no chair :)
This sucks BC. Hope you heal quick and somehow the kid learns a lesson from all this. I'm a true believer in Karma and if nothing else, during his lifetime, he'll get what he deserves.
I don't get it Beach,

Your in England, Attached (or other way around) to Scotland and a boat ride form Ireland... Aren't there enough GOOD "domestic" whiskeys?

By good, I don't mean Johnny ether, If I had to choose between the two Johnny and Jack, it would be Johnny only because I am accustomed to the taste of petrol.
Garage Rat said:
I don't get it Beach,

Your in England, Attached (or other way around) to Scotland and a boat ride form Ireland... Aren't there enough GOOD "domestic" whiskeys?

By good, I don't mean Johnny ether, If I had to choose between the two Johnny and Jack, it would be Johnny only because I am accustomed to the taste of petrol.

GR - never got a taste for Whisky [ or Whiskey ] - strange being a Scot.

Actually Brandy is my main tipple, but I aqcuired a taste for JD via some US Air Base budies here in the UK - also a lot cheaper [ Scot again ! ] than equivalent Whisky.

As ever, I appreciate your kind words folks.
Get healed up there GR and if u run across some excess single malt or Irish u dont want,this Tennessee hillbilly would gladly take it off ur hands.BJ
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