What does everyone do for their "real" job?

Not sure if I posted in this thread yet, but computer programming and applications development is how I keep the creditors at bay.
Lot of unexpected answers here. I'm a commercial real estate title examiner.
Former CPL. (E-4) U.S. Army 97E (Interrogator), currently Disability Retired due to Injuries

Occasionally play guitar for money.
Still a server and network admin for not nearly enough money.
production management - commercial printing

owner - graphic design firm

both of these add up to a whole lot of time NOT working on my bike...
International Union of Elevator Constructors...I repair elevators at the University of Illinois.
Soldier and Social Media Intern.
Will graduate in December with a BS in Public Relations. Will deploy shortly after that.
Check out my portfolio below!
If anyone needs a website built, let me know, I need to add to my portolio
Rich, I used to work for UTAutomotive. I guess UT owns/owned Otis. They sold the auto division to Lear and e all got canned. :(
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