"what'cha drinking tonight?"

For the longest time, my primary smoke shop had a box full of seconds of Macanudo Hyde Park (roughly Churchill sized) in natural. THey were two bucks a stick, so I'd age them for six months and they tasted like an eight dollar cigar.

Ghurka Evil was very tasty... Had one of those along with the Nautilus. It pairs very well with citrus and rum. I'd make a Long Island and replace the lemon-lime or club soda base with some grapefruit soda and swap the tequila for Midori to go with that. Served it in crushed ice and called it a Three-Mile Island Iced Tea. Then we found out that had been taken already, so we renamed it the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Iced Tea.
...and then we started feeling bad about that, so it got renamed again to the Pripyat Iced Tea.

Rum and Coke
I'd pay a hundy for a slice of some mellow mushroom pie. Thats the best pizza I've had. If there's two things I wish we had in Oklahoma, it's that and some yeungling.
OH YEAH! I almost forgot.... I have been reading a lot of very good things about this beer, and FINALLY plunked down
ten bucks for a four pack of it. No regrets! Tastes like a chocolate espresso, if there is such a thing. If you like alcohol,
coffee, and dark chocolate...you MUST try it.


Founder's Breakfast Stout
I brewed a stout aadding 95%cocoa chocolate (2bars of) a pint of maple syrop, and a few handfulls of dried chantrelle mushrooms.

It was good ok!
had a Dark and Stormy tonight. thats gonna be my new summer drink. too fucking good.

cat, my local shop doesnt have the nautilus. i knew that though. ill have to order it online. letcha know what i have it with.
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