"what'cha drinking tonight?"

drinking alone happens, especially when youre feeling down. been there. making it a habit is whatcha need to watch out for. hope things look up for ya soon.

had a nat sherman hampton with a bunch of "shot 'n a beer" 's. beers were coors lights. terrible pairing with the smoke. made them both taste like shit. shots were house tequila. guess i was out to hurt myself tonight.

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!
Boddingtons and changing the lil guy's diaper. This has become my friday nights...
cory.ahlersmeyer said:
6 Pack of "honey brown" lager with a baconator.

i used to love that shit in college. good call.

i had a couple house bourbons at houlihans tonight. something cheap that started with a B. cant remember, but i do remember that heaven hill is better, laugh.
Sam Adams "Tasman Red"

Its a Irish Red + IPA... its interesting.
Yep... More Busch tall boys. Been out in the backyard wrenching on the CL450 and swatting bugs. It's that time of year around here.

I'll take my coors light 16 OZ cans any night, been out in the back yard, fire pit blazing watching kids play with the hot neighbor chick roasting marshmallows and making smore's. GOOD stuff. ;)
That's what I like about the domestic light beers. They have enough water in them to keep you hydrated! You can drink all night and wake up the next morning feeling fine! Ha! ;D

frogman said:
I'll take my coors light 16 OZ cans any night, been out in the back yard, fire pit blazing watching kids play with the hot neighbor chick roasting marshmallows and making smore's. GOOD stuff. ;)

#smiling# :)

Lagunita's Hop Stoopid. Un-fucking-believable how good this stuff is. Dark Horse Crooked Tree IPA. This stuff is just about perfect as well. A hop-heads night in paradise for me!
Heineken. The wife bought me some beer while grocery shopping. "You like beer that comes in green bottles, right?". Bless her heart! :-*

BLHHHAAAA you can have that crap, even the Dutch say they make it for export. They keep all the good stuff. ;D still I remember many a night in the barracks chugging down bottle after bottle of the stuff so I may have a tainted view.

MINE for the evening. Nothing like oak barrel aged Tequila. ;) Well that and a little water and ice and some lemon.

Jose is always good! I'm not complaining too much... anytime I can get beer on the grocery budget instead of my allowance money, I consider it good! ;D

I swear this stuff shoots up like a decent whiskey, which is probably why I like it. ;)

I guess its back to the "at least you are drinking something." Its Bike Garage for me tomorrow I need to stay halfway sober, have to entertain another machine tomorrow, maybe have a story to tell tomorrow night. Place is open to all that care to make the the drive. ;)
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