What's your trade?

xb33bsa said:
the problem is a large % of the people on assistance were born into it as were their mothers its generational
its burrowed in real good the gobermint owes me mise monies
the only cure is motherfuckers that are on welfare should not be allowed to vote till they git a fucking job cause now even hildabeast is promisin'free free free
who do you think a welfare drone is gonna vote for ? the one that promises the most free shit tghatsz who
barry the radical mooslim lover has still got a year to spew his vile narrative of hate and go kill as cop action committeeand
now he wants to flood this country with syrian mooslim "refugees" that will never assimilate but thats ok it is a religion of peace, next up the clintons again after all isnt time we had a woman president ?

I can't quite pinpoint which parts of my brain to which this post has done the most damage.
Everything you know is a lie.

Fire proof buildings don't come straight down in free fall due to a fossil fuel or paper fire.

Building 7 fell in clear free fall as well. Reported as a result of office fires.

Anybody that knows ANYTHING about architecture knows better than that.

Several u.s. passenger planes were hijacked by people wielding what? a utility knife? Hehe, yep. All the dads on the flight just let em have the planes. Think about that.

No relevant plane wreckage from the pentagon. None. The area of damage was not remotely indicitave of a plane crash.

But hey, at least we are all SO FUCKING SECURE NOW RIGHT? Most of you are scared to post your name.

Tune-A-Fish said:
Rut Row ;D Truth will shut shit down for sure.
I DARE the mods to allow the discussion.

I mean why not, they allow xb to spew his political ignorance, (by the way, all politics are is ignorant shit) why should the truth be forbidden?

If the truth has to go the bullshit has to go with it. ;)
DohcBikes said:
Thats an excellent suggestion, but this one has been skirting these issues for some pages now, so why not here?

I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.
canyoncarver said:
Then start a new thread for it instead.

I more than appreciate why it needs to be talked about, however I also know how the conversation turns out and would suggest it not come to DTT.

I see no reason why if DOHC would like to have a discussion on the subject, he start a thread in a forum with like conversations and invite folks to join in.

Truth in government conspiracy is something most can't open their minds to and it always ends in severe buthurt.
awc'mon you and i know the majority of polirticians sitting in office in dc are good honest FOLKS.after all they are doing a great public service workin all those long hrs
why, we are so ,blessed god bless our angils in washington theyv'e got our backs, im sure of that
xb33bsa said:
"theyv'e got our backs, im sure of that"

The recent news in Texas IS that the restrooms will remain safe for women. Other than that yeah you bet the goo yer ass side.
canyoncarver said:
I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.
You know carver maybe its just me, but I cant shake the notion that you just might possibly not like me.See avatar.

I'd start a thread about the atrocity of 9\11 Tune but I'm pretty sure ignorance would prevail. And, its not a conspiracy if it's the truth. It's just people being bullied and hoodwinked on a daily basis, knowing full well that they are being bullied and hoodwinked, but continuing to subscribe to the newsletter and pay their 'taxes' to fund the very people that have enslaved them.

I believe you said it already, a tax boycott is the only way. Hit em where it hurts. I know for sure I NEVER agreed to send these fuckin paper pushers my money. Gangsters bullies and thieves, that's all they are.
I have been, or am involved in:

Motorcycle restorations & Custom motorcycle building (owner)
Computers & networking, Surveillance and access systems company Project Manager
Mechanical design & drafting (residential & commercial HVAC, plumbing, and motorcycles)
Electrical systems design & drafting (residential & commercial)
Project management & scheduling (commercial construction)
Operations Manager (commercial construction)
Landlord & property manager
Personal Computer sales, service & training (owner)
HVAC sales, installation & service (owner, residential & commercial)
Energy audits & retrofit planning (commercial, institutional & governmental)
Solar water heating systems design, sales & installation
Aviation Ground Support electrician & mechanic, shop lead Petty Officer (U.S.Navy E-5)
Ultralight aircraft builder, trainer, mechanic & pilot
Small / ranch projects welder
Sous chef - local steakhouse
Used car lot attendant and mechanic
Lawnmower mechanic

While some of these jobs were my prime job many years ago, I still "fall back" on them from time to time.
DOHC... Speak the truth dude... lets get all of this stuff out in the open... you are missing so many that these SHEEPLE need to be informed of! Their ignorance blinds them! OPEN YOUR EYES! The Loch Ness Monster isint real!!!!! Its just a submarine being driven by bigfoot!
    • I know you understand, but to be clear. And as you can see people want to believe they are safe.


      A) a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful

      B) the action of plotting or conspiring

      I mean hell with all the Military equipment the cops have... We are safer more now than before 21 no?

DohcBikes said:
You know carver maybe its just me, but I cant shake the notion that you just might possibly not like me.See avatar.

As Tim perfectly pointed out, see your own avatar. You haven't given me a reason not to dislike you and I don't even know you. I only know the DOHC that posts on DTT and that guy is a severely narcissistic douchebag! Posting your real name and address and calling others out for not doing so is only one example. Get the fuck over yourself.

I'm asking that perhaps you consider NOT hijacking every other thread on here and use one that's just for bs.
Anyways, here you go:

If people would refuse to pay taxes (and only have children if you can actually support them) We'd all be fine. Don't worry folks, most of those taxes aren't going to domestic infrastructure, they're just straight up taking your goddamn money to fund their evil plot to more of your goddamn money. And paying off the countries we've borrowed unfathomable amounts of money from to squander on a military built for nothing more than plundering and genocide. Just look at all the ignorance. My heart goes out to all those that have lost family members to this evil machine.

Too bad though, brainwashed U.S. citizens would rather have their spongebob slippers, 4 door chevy trucks, mcdonalds, designer jeans, $250k prison in a lined out suburb, (oh look they painted their trim a different color isnt that unique!), diamond rings, NFL, the list goes on, than be free of a system that tells them what they want and who they are.
I'm having trouble understanding how we got from ppl talking about trades to another threadjacking by Dohc so he can answer questions nobody asked.

Oh well, I'm a tool and die maker. I fix the things that make the parts ppl take for granted. Once in a while I get to work on something cool.
Mr.E said:
I'm a tool and die maker. I fix the things that make the parts ppl take for granted. Once in a while I get to work on something cool.

It's a neat trade man. My grandpa was and my father is a tool and die maker. Grandpa started his shop with a drill press, a shaper and a bridgeport. and was able to build things that are now all done by CNC. Good on ya for keeping the trade alive.
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