Where do people get Aluminum materials?


Twins FTW
I know this sounds pretty dumb, but I always see on here people making brackets, dashboards, and etc.. out of Aluminum sheet metal. I know there is some super thin stuff at lowes and Ace, never checked home depot. And that stuff is over priced anyways.

I want to make a nice dash board and some other stuff. I bet I have a nice street sign somewhere, but those are too cool to cut up. Thanks for the help!
I order most my stuff from onlinemetals.com They seem to have great prices. If anyone has anywhere else, I'd like to know to.
That website is pretty inexpensive. I will just order some, didnt think something this simple would actually be that simple. Thanks man. It would be nice to find a local place, but this works great too.
I also used online metals a couple of times. In one case I needed a new muffler outer sleeve to replace a Yoshi system and they had a length of tube that was perfect as a replacement. I either got lucky with size or the muffler was made out of stock size tube in the first place.

End caps went straight in. All I had to do was drill it for the rivets and assemble and pack it.
THere are some small welding supply shops, you'll typically find places like that in rural areas or agricultural regions.
Most of those places can get you sheet stock, but they're niche-market and don't generally advertise, period.

Local is very cool, but having the material to begin with is cool enough.

Good luck!
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