Who can I talk to about services offered?


Been Around the Block
Hey guys,

I've been doing small work out of my shop for a little while now bead blasting parts for people at a really reasonable price. It's going good and I've got a lot of satisfied customers.

I was considering just asking if anyone on the forums needed or wanted some work done, but I didn't want to step on any toes or anything. I was trying to find out who I should contact about whether or not this would be cool with the powers that be here, but I can't seem to find a contact link.

I've seen some dudes around that seem to be mods and stuff, but I'm not sure who exactly I should talk to. Anyone help me out?

Thanks in advance.
I'm the guy :) and it's totally cool. Happy to support our members' businesses, especially when they're just starting out. Most of the businesses sponsoring DO THE TON that you see advertised are good friends and true supporters of our community.

All we ask is members contribute in real ways to the site by posting, commenting, providing advice and knowledge etc., not just advertising their services :D
Thanks for the responses.

And Tim, where do you think I should post for offering bead blasting services? In the lounge or just use this thread here? Thanks again I really appreciate it and hope I can help out my fellow members. It's just crazy for regular people to get charged $80 an hour on our project bikes. Hoping to help that.
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