Who understands amp hours


New Member
I know when picking a battery amp hours are important but I don't understand what affects it could have on the bike if it's wrong. I know my bike in-particular takes a battery with 12ah can I go over or under that without problems and if so how much. What does the amp hours actually affect I've searched online and everything I've found isn't very helpful considering I'm more off a novice with electrical components. Thanks in advance for any help
An amp hour is exactly what it sounds like.
a 12 ah battery will run at 1 amp draw for 12 hours.
Or 12A for 1 hour.

ah is just a measure of capacity.
The bigger the motor the bigger the battery usually because it requires more juice to run the starter.
A cb350 will crank over for a while on a 6ah battery, where a cb1100 would crank for a much shorter time before killing the battery.

If you are running the starter that will be your biggest draw. So you should stick with around stock AH to keep your starter functional for long enough to get the bike started.

To answer your question more specifically, you can go with any AH battery you want.
If you have a really good running bike that starts within a second of pushing the button you could probably get away with a 4ah, but the second you need to crank it over for longer (you forget the choke, or forget to turn the gas on, etc) youre going to kill your battery.

If you are deleting the starter you can get away with a much smaller battery.
Sonreir has a really nice writeup on all things electric that you should read through it should answer most of your questions.
Amp Hours is the amount of hours I can crank my bass amp before my wife assaults and/or divorces me. Currently I'm rated at about 1 AH.
krafty said:
Amp Hours is the amount of hours I can crank my bass amp before my wife assaults and/or divorces me. Currently I'm rated at about 1 AH.

You just have to learn the divorce point, assault is no big deal.
I think you could push it to 1.75 AH if you wear a couple of sweaters or some football pads.
More info here:
Ok great so there would be no repercussions to the charging system essentially ah is a measurement of battery life without a charging system. Sorry to sound repetative I just want to make sure I completely understand.
Ah matters to the charging system as well (in some bikes).

Older bikes without voltage regulators require a large Ah battery because Ah rating is also a battery's resistance to overcharging (for the old flooded cell lead acid types, anyway). A lot of the old CB125s call for 12Ah batteries for exactly this reason.
For reference,
what bike are we talking about here?
12AH I'm guessing a 350-550?
If you're keeping the starter I personally wouldnt go below 10ah.
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