Wife dumped her bike today... thought I lost her


Active Member
I was very excited to get back on the road for the first time since my spinal surgery but things didn't turn out quite the way we had planned. My wife's parents both ride so the four of us went for a nice easy 100 mile jaunt which ended with me watching helplessly as my wife slid down the highway on her face. When I came to a stop, jumped off my bike, and ran to her I honestly didn't know if I would find her alive. Although I know they'll never see it I would like to give heartfelt thanks to the EMT's, Police, trauma nurses, doctors, and fellow motorcyclists that came to our aid when my wife dumped her bike at 70mph. To the douche in the convertible Porche that caused the accident (and then fled the scene), pray you never see me again. To those of you who know Jaime she is home now and will be fine. I don't want to get preachy but... WEAR ALL YOUR GEAR!!! It saved her life.
Wow... thats a sad/good story as the ending is happy... but can you describe the gear that she was wearing so well all understand what you mean by "all gear"?
Glad your wife will be fine, and if you find the porche driver, give him one from the rest of us. AGAT for the win.


Throw an add up on chraigs list/ kijiji, the usual Porsche hang outs.

"Looking for douche Porsche driver who almost killed my wife"

Describe car/ driver and what happend.

Please contact your or the Popo
joevirus563 said:
Wow... thats a sad/good story as the ending is happy... but can you describe the gear that she was wearing so well all understand what you mean by "all gear"?

Full face helmet, full leathers, riding boots, and gloves. ATGATT (all the gear all the time). Even when its 100+ here in Vegas we still wear it all. The doc said that usually when he sees people that went down at that speed they are missing limbs because so many ride in t-shirt and shorts here...even flip flops!
I'm glad to hear your wife will be okay. I hope the Porsche driver rots in hell.
Close call!!.. Glad to hear that she's OK!!..

Someone should have chased that fucker down...
Oh, Lord! So glad she's ok. Any injuries? 70mph on pavement. Wow. How did it happen?!? I hope the driver is caught. Did you have a good description of the Porsche?
JP, hope your wife has a speedy recovery with no long term effects. I agree ATGATT. A friend of mine had a low speed and the gear is what saved her.
God bless you and your family JP hope she makes a speedy recovery . as for the idiot in the convertible what goes around comes back around always!!! JP buy vitamin E capsuls pop them and putt it on your wifes scars. it will help heal and get rid of scarring.My father in law got burnd on his face ,i mean scarry looking and he putt tons of the vitamin E on and he was left with no scarring :)
This is why I wear a Jacket in the summer. And full helmet all the time. Just can't be too careful.

If you don't mind my asking, how did the Porsche cause the accident?
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