WTB CB350 K0 wing tank emblem and badge


New Member
as I had my right side ones (as if you were sitting on the bike facing forward) knocked off by some lowlife I really need these to get the bike 100% again
I'll buy in a complete left & right set if thats the only way you wanna sell.
remember its the right hand side to the driver.
It's the badges I'm really dark about as you hardly ever see them come up compared to the emblems
And I can't use fleabay to buy anything due to a dispute with paypal. well I can use the site, but I can't buy anything that is payed for by paypal which is most things :(

Help much appreciated,

Tom Serna
Well CB can supply the emblems, But it seems i need the honda tank badge for the right side. Anyone? cheers! Tom.
PM me dude. I'm staying two blocks away from possibly the largest collection of old motors in Dallas. If I don't leave for Austin before Tuesday I'll walk that way. Monday is traditionally an off-day for bike shops and I'm leaving to help finish a bike build for a friend of mine.

Tell me what the badge is worth to you and send a pic of exactly(!!!) what you need. I'll go down and make the man an offer.

He has a Folger's coffee tin FULL (FULL) of "HM" wings and pre-88 Honda Wings with the Honda wording to match.

Heck, make me an offer on the whole tin. CB450 side cover badges, Goldwing eagle emblems, "Dual Cam" emblems, CB750, CB350... Hahahaha.
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