WTF...Parking Ticket


New Member
So last week, I park my bike for 15 minutes, BANG parking ticket $40 just like for some reason I thought that bikes could park for free in Toronto.....guess I learned a lesson there.

So TODAY I park the car, pay my $2 and go into a store....they take a little longer than I hoped and my voucher expires at 13:55..... I get a ticket at 14:08....13 minutes - I mean the guy can't give me a buffer or something? Another $30 more.

At this rate I can see why people go to malls and businesses downtown suffer :(

I have no problem paying for parking, but this is getting stupid

Just needed to vent!
in TO bike parking is free on city streets, during the correct parking times, in the correct designated parking areas that are serviced by the ticket-type machines, bikes need to be parked at at least 60degrees angle from the curb. (thats what I remember anyway) its not legal to park the bike on a sidewalk, i dont think that scooters are allowed to park on the sidewalk either, but I may be wrong on that one.
What hotsos said; has to be valid parking at valid times at a municipal metered location. I remember a couple years back I went into work early (ironically on my final day) and got nailed for being in a night permit zone 7 minutes before it switched over.

and re: getting hit just after your ticket expires. The meter maids run on gps now. All the meters are integrated and the they're constantly provided with a roving map that sends them to hotspots where tickets are about to expire. Next time you think the meter maid's sitting at your car waiting for your ticket to expire, it's because he is. There's a good chance that if you're parked within a couple of meters of the kiosk you got the ticket from, you'll get ticketed within 10 minutes of your ticket expiring.
Lucky - Shitty bro, but we have bigger problems... WHEN IS THIS RAIN GOING TO STOP!?!?
I would have built a boat instead of a bike if I knew it was going to rain this much in T.O.
Awesome ;D a boat.....

Interesting info on the GPS for the meter maid, I will have to do a better job reading all the signs and watching my watch.
Erch - Are you actually building a boat!? haha... Your like Noah, and I want on the arch man!
Nah, I built a seat for my suzuki last year out of glass that I got from that place. I wouldn't recommend the process unless you're a) really interested in the fibreglassing process and don't mind tossing money away, or b) really know what you're doing with fibreglass and can do a great job the first time.

Which reminds me... I still need to paint that damn thing and mount it.
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